Wednesday, July 27, 2011


After the creepy Alice video, i had to justify just how awesome and not creepy Pogo really is...

-for jason

Mord Fustang

So besides the fact that this artist has an amazingly awesome name, i thought i would share two songs of his. Watch out he might just be the next big up and coming phenom, here is Milky Way and Lick the Rainbow by Mord Fustang

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Awesome Songs for Mitch.

Alice- Pogo
Songs kinda scary with the video...

Seven Nation Army (The Glitch Mob Remix)- The White Stripes

Pumped Up Kicks (Gigamesh Remix)- Foster The People

Charlie Brown- Coldplay
This song isnt out yet, supposed to be on their new album, it sounds amazing though

New Theory (RAC Remix)- Washed Out

Keep Your Head Up- Andy Grammar
Heres a popular one for you...